When The Kids Come Home

When The Kids Come Home

  It dawned on me the other day, as I was thinking about our Tenants, that many of them, because of this current pandemic, have children who are young adults that would otherwise be away at school, but are now back home taking online classes and eating out of mom...
It’s Time To Wake Up!

It’s Time To Wake Up!

Some people live their entire life asleep.  by Sanford Coggins Though perhaps they are unaware of this, they are not fully alive.  They are not trained to open their eyes to see what’s around them; to be aware of what’s going on inside them.  I heard Tony De Mello say...
Don’t Wait – Take Action Now!

Don’t Wait – Take Action Now!

Two weeks ago, I took my sons on a white-water rafting trip with a group of 11 other men down the Rogue River, just outside of Medford Oregon. On Saturday, we encountered the renowned level IV Blossom Bar rapid, known as “the most expensive rapid in the US“. Though...
Real Estate vs. Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds?

Real Estate vs. Stocks, Bonds, and Mutual Funds?

Over the course of my career, I have found investors generally distrust the stock market.  In fact, the volatility frightens them.  They intuitively know the first rule of investing is “Don’t lose money!”, yet Americans continue to wager the bulk of their retirement...